Virtual Assembly: Find Your Grind
As the new school year is at full speed ahead, many wonder if any events we had during our other years will come back.
Thankfully, ASB teamed up with a company called Find Your Grind and I got the chance to talk to Señor Herincx, our ASB Director, to discuss what FYG is all about.
This eight-week program will consist of our first 45-minute presentation then following 15-20 minute pre-recorded presentations after that. And hopefully, by the end of it, students will have a clearer understanding of their strengths and how they can use those skills to create a brighter future.
Señor exclaims “Find Your Grind is a program started by Mike Smith. He is one of the co-founders, and it’s really just… encouraging you to find that passion and pursue that.” He further gives insight that “Find Your Grind is the overall company, and what they’re doing right now is there a new program called Future Ready… so one of the things on Monday is a personal assessment to kind of see where your skills lie.”
This program is aimed to help all students defy societal norms of graduating high school and getting a 9-5 job when they could be making their own path to success. This is exciting for incoming freshmen who get to see what skills they are good at and implement those skills in classes they can take their upcoming years or seniors who are trying to figure out what major in college they will like to study.
ASB and our Canyon staff are passionate about giving all the resources they can to help their Canyon students succeed. Señor further explains, “Some of our school goals revolve around college and career preparedness, and with this obviously being called Future Ready, you are planning for your future.”
He also mentions that Canyon has a Site Council that deals with giving students resources for mental health and overall wellbeing and “one of the things the Site Council has requested the students did last year was bringing in motivational speakers, mental health experts… so that fits both of those goals.”
So what can the students of Canyon be looking forward to? Many things Señor exclaims because this program “It’s not just for seniors, it’s for our entire student body. The earlier you figure out what you want to do the better and no pressure obviously you don’t have to. You can leave high school and not quite be ready yet and not know what you want to do but like I said any little bit helps… to help guide you in your direction.”
Señor and ASB would hope to see interaction and interest amongst students because this program could impact many students’ lives if they let them.