Homecoming Spirit Week

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  • Seniors Naomi Phillips, Shane Wilson, and Ryan Leskin dressing up in all brown to represent class color day! We love our seniors!

  • Team country club participants Sam Regez, Ryan Leskin, and Emily Guluzza showing off their best country club outfits!


One of the main traditions that always kicks off the school year is Homecoming! This annual tradition consists of many different events, one being spirit week.

During the week of Homecoming, each day there is a new theme where students are supposed to dress up to match each theme. With this spirit week being the first one in over two years, ASB had to go all out and make it one to remember.

A lot of behind-the-scenes planning goes into spirit weeks. Senior Lissie Wolff, who is in charge of planning spirit weeks, said “It’s important that we pick themes that people can easily participate in and are interested in whatever the theme we decide.” It is one of ASB’s main goals to make sure there is maximum participation.

Monday was jersey day where students represented their favorite sports team and even their own personal jerseys from different athletic teams they’re a part of.

Twin Tuesday took place and many people came dressed to school identical to one of their friends. Some people even came dressed up twinning with their teachers! Seniors Josiah Fechtelkotter and Shane Wilson took it to the next level by telling several friends to wear a black shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes, creating a “twin army.”

Wednesday was country vs country club. Seniors Ryan Leskin, Sam Regez, and Emily Guluzza outdid everyone with their country club outfits! Sophomore Hannah Jones came up with the creative idea to dress up as Woody from “Toy Story” to represent the countryside.

On Thursday each grade was assigned class colors; the freshmen wore yellow, sophomores wore blue, juniors wore green, and seniors wore brown. With being the big dogs on campus, seniors Shane Wilson, Naomi Philips, and Ryan Leskin all stated “we have to make sure we represent our class.”

Friday was decades day! Anyone could dress up from different decades such as 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s. People dressed as everything from hippies from the 70s, to bikers from the 50s, as well as many different spice girls from the 90s all on campus! Decades day was the most participated theme of the week!

Spirit weeks don’t happen all the time but when they do, it’s always to hype up a big event that will take place at the end of the week. The next spirit week will be leading up to our big game against our rival, Hart High School! Make sure to participate and show school spirit!