Does Mental Health Affect Students in School?

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  • The Canyon Wellness Center has many options for students to wind down, such as board games and self-care books.

  • The Wellness Center has a system that lets students schedule therapy appointments with the resident licensed psychologist.


There’s a thought that a good steady mind leads to good work habits, but what happens if your mental health may not be steady? The suicide prevention center explains that “depression is associated with lower grade point averages, and that co-occurring depression and anxiety can increase this association. Depression has also been linked to dropping out of school. Many college students report that mental health difficulties interfere with their studies”

As we know over 50% of teens from 13-18 struggle with mental health issues. Especially being in highschool with the stress, all types of bullying, body issues, anxiety, depression and more. It’s common for mental health to get in the way of class work and attendance.

Some may disagree and think that school should come before mental health. They believe that academics are more important than mental and emotional stability. But in most cases they are very wrong.

From zoning out or falling asleep in class it can really show, not only in your grades but your social relationships as well.

Ben Lesser wrote “Depression impairs one’s ability to reason clearly. By interfering with healthy thought processes, this mental health issue impacts a person’s ability to concentrate and make decisions. It affects the brain, and many people who are depressed have memory problems and have trouble remembering events or facts.”

The CDC says that “Poor mental health in adolescence is more than feeling blue. It can impact many areas of a teen’s life. Youth with poor mental health may struggle with school and grades, decision making, and their health.”

Sadly, some teachers ignore the fact that their students are struggling and pound them with homework assignments and work. This can make things even harder and more exhausting for students. It’s always good for teachers to be easy to talk to about these things and help their students find a way to get everything done.

Thankfully students have resources and can find ways to deal with their mental health struggles. Here at Canyon we have the Wellness Center located right by the library which is a very calming and relaxing area to sit in. On certain days adorable service dogs come onto campus, helping students bring smiles to their faces. Don’t forget that the counselors here are ready to help the students that need it. So if you’re facing these problems don’t be afraid to take advantage of the things Canyon has provided here!