“One Piece” is a famous ongoing manga that has released over 1,000 chapters. It is a pirate story created by Eiichiro Oda. On Aug. 31, 2023, the “One Piece” live action television series was released on Netflix, exciting fans as they have been expecting this for a few years. Filming was supposed to take place in South Africa during 2020, but it got pushed back due to COVID-19.
The casting for the live action was a very important aspect of the series in order for it to be successful to audiences worldwide. Oda himself helped in the selection process and managed to get together a great, diverse crew. Iñaki Godoy is a Mexican actor who was casted as the main character Monkey D. Luffy. The swordsman, Roronoa Zoro, is played by the Japanese actor Makenyu. Nami, the navigator, is played by Emily Rudd. Taz Skylar plays the chef of the crew, Sanji. Usopp is played by Jacob Gibson.
The plot of “One Piece” is about Luffy’s goal to be the next king of the pirates and find the one piece. He recruits people to join his crew and sail the Grand Line. The live action is eight episodes that covers the first 96 chapters of the manga and up to episode 45 of the anime. It closely follows the plot of the manga and anime.
One of things the live action did well was the way they portrayed the bounty posters. Each pirate had a unique transition with their poster. In the manga and anime, bounty posters are a big deal, so incorporating them into the live action was a good detail on the production’s part.
One thing that could have been improved was the CGI. The CGI on the transitions weren’t well put together and seemed low quality. The other scenes looked great, which made the transitions stand out.
Overall, the live action was an amazing adaptation compared to other anime live actions that have been released in the past. If you want to go on an adventure to find the one piece along with the Straw Hat Pirates, go watch the “One Piece” live action.