“Kimi Ni Todoke” is a classic shoujo manga originally released on Dec. 13, 2005. The manga’s popularity among teenage girls led to the anime adaptation of the first two seasons in 2009 and 2011. In recent years, “Kimi Ni Todoke” has regained popularity, which has resulted in a live action adaptation in 2023 and now a third season of the anime released on Aug. 1, 2024.
“Kimi Ni Todoke” is a coming-of-age story starring Sawako Kuronuma, a shy teenage girl. She starts off as a misunderstood individual who others view as creepy, and as a result, became a social outcast. Meeting the outgoing Shouta Kazehaya Sawako starts a journey of self-discovery and redefines her relationship with herself and with her classmates.
The protagonist Sawako showcases the difficulty of communicating one’s thoughts and feelings, which is something many teenagers can relate to and are learning to overcome. It is a refreshing and comforting story that draws in viewers.
The series, which is available on different streaming platforms such as Netflix and Hulu, had a 13-year gap between season two and season three’s release. As a result, there are bound to be many differences in the adaptation.
The first season of the anime has 24 episodes, while the second season has 12. Both seasons have episodes spanning around 20 minutes. The third season, in comparison, has five episodes, each running an hour long.
Another difference in the new season is the animation style. Season three still keeps the classic shoujo-style animation with beautiful backgrounds and colors. The main difference in style is that the quality and personality of it all has been elevated. This is mostly due to the newer technology and possible capabilities that the 2010s anime lacked.
Whether you’re looking for a nostalgic 2010s show or a heartwarming story, “Kimi Ni Todoke” is a captivating show you should consider watching.