Amy Coney Barrett and the LGBTQ Comunnity

Rachel Malehorn

A picture of Amy Coney Barrett taken in 2018. Origin of photo:

On October 26, 2020, Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in as an official justice of the U.S. supreme court. The vote was close, being 52-48.

Many Republicans across the nation approved of this choice. The court is now 6-3 Republican to Democrat. “Throughout her entire confirmation, her impeccable credentials were unquestioned, unchallenged, and obvious to all,” Trump states during her swearing-in ceremony.

Despite overwhelming approval from conservatives, different human rights organizations are opposed to her new position.

The Human Rights Campaign declares Barrett as an “Absolute Threat to LGBTQ Rights.” The article features a quote from Barrett in reference to Title IX extending to transgender Americans: “Maybe things have changed so that we should change Title IX, maybe those arguing in favor of this kind of transgender bathroom access are right. That’s a public policy debate to have. But it does seem to strain the text of the statute to say that Title IX demands it.” However, it is worth noting that this quote is from 2016.

At Barrett’s hearing, she used the term “sexual preference” to describe sexual orientation. This term is used by many groups against the LGBTQ community to push the idea that sexuality is a choice, and Barrett’s use of it caused much concern.

Barrett did apologize, saying “I certainly didn’t mean, and would never mean, to use a term that would cause any offense in the LGBTQ community. So if I did, I greatly apologize for that.”

Nearing the end of the ceremony, she leaves the people with this statement: “The oath that I have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that I will do my job without any fear or favor, and that I will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences.”