Freshmen Perspective on School
With freshmen having to start their first year of high-school online, it can be very overwhelming for many without the rewards of a true high school experience.
For all freshmen, high school can be nerve-racking, but the class of 2024 has had it worse. Freshmen were never able to visit the campus for a tour, nor have even experienced a normal school year. Now that things are looking up, going back to school may not just be a dream.
The first year of high school is scary in itself, but being more than halfway through the school year and never being on campus, meeting your classmates/teachers, or knowing the locations of your classes is a chilling thought. It’s a weird thought knowing that what we are comfortable with right now will be completely different in a few weeks.
I’m wondering how everything is going to go since it’s been a year since we’ve been to in-person school. Not to mention how people from last year are doing now and how everything has affected them. Although I know we aren’t going to be allowed to talk to each other, I’m excited to see certain people who I haven’t talked to in a while. It’s going to be weird though since I haven’t talked to my friends face to face in a long time, will I say something wrong? Or will I accidentally mess up? I don’t know how they’ve changed and if we still have the same common interests.
The transition to return to campus is scary knowing that you may put yourself at risk. However, from what I’ve heard the district seems to understand that students are stressed over the return and are trying to help. Overall, I’m delighted for some part of normality in my life to come back.