Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” Introduces Many New Faces to the MCU


Marvel Comics

Five Marvel comic book characters make an appearance in the MCU (Josh Benitez).

As phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continues to expand the multiverse, many characters are being brought to the big screen, exciting comic book fans for what this new phase can bring to the table.

After the most highly anticipated movie “Spider-Man: No Way Home” brought back fan-favorites, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, Marvel fans have had high expectations for cameos in future projects.

Director Sam Raimi wasted no time revealing to us a new character, America Chavez. She appears in the opening scene of the film, showing her power to create a star-shaped portal that is able to cross between the multiverse. Chavez is the first Latina superhero to be in the MCU, and is played by the young actress Xochitl Gomez.

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” introduces the long awaited character Reed Richards, also known as Mr Fantastic, leader of the Fantastic 4. Richards is played by John Krasinski, who was rumored to portray the smartest man on Earth back in March of 2022.

With the Illuminati confirmed, its leader, Charles Xavier, has now been revealed. Better known as Professor X, he possesses great telepathic abilities which allow him to penetrate the minds of others. Actor Patrick Stewart, the same person to play Xavier in the previous X-Men films, has returned to portray the psychic user.

Being able to take down celestials with a single shout, Black Bolt has proved to be a formidable force in “Doctor Strange 2”. Bolt’s powers are stronger than most, as he is able to emit sonic energy through the use of his voice. While this is Bolt’s first appearance in the MCU, many remember him from the live-action show “The Inhumans”. Actor Anson Mount reprised his role for “Multiverse of Madness”.

Clea makes her debut in the first post-credit scene of the film. Unlike the three previously mentioned characters, she is not a member of the illuminati. Clea is a sorceress, possessing the same magical abilities as Strange. Like her comic book counterpart, she is the niece of Dormammu, the main antagonist of the first “Doctor Strange” film. Clea is portrayed by actress Charlize Theron.

With Clea now in the MCU, it is likely that Dormammu will be making a return as one of the major phase four villains.