Getting Involved: Club Rush

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  • Special Olympics members pass out rubber bracelets and cheerful attitudes to students passing by.

  • GSA grows in popularity as students gather around their president Angel Reyonlds.

On Wednesday, Sept. 1st the quad was packed with students trying to find a club that might interest them at the annual ASB Club Rush.

The GSA club has seemingly become a popular club on campus. GSA stands for Gender Sexuality Alliance and was made as a safe space for both queer people and supporters. They talk about their own issues and LGBTQ issues all around the world. At this moment the club has 15 members and is hoping to continue to add more. Members meet in room A5 with Mr. Smith, and everyone is always welcome!

Another popular club featured was What’s Mine is Yours. WMIY is a club that meets once a month and donates clothes to people in need. The club hosts small thrift shops in the Senior quad around the last week of every month. They accept donations of any clothing items in any size that are still in good condition. All the donations should be sent to room AA2. While they don’t have a set date for meetings yet, they plan to meet in AA1 with Ms. Goodwin. If you are interested, don’t be afraid to ask questions or drop by.

The Girls Club is by far one of the most interesting clubs at this club rush. Their club was formed to fight the gender gap in computer science. All females are accepted in this club, even ones with little to no coding experience. This club meets every Friday in S3 with Mr. Underwood.

The Special Olympics club has been advertised all over the school recently. Passing through the halls you’re bound to find one of their small posters hanging up . Members meet with the Special ED program throughout the year, throwing small events and parties for them. The club meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month to plan events in room A4.

This is only a small handful of clubs that were at Club Rush. You can visit Canyon’s website to find a complete list of clubs on campus.

There is a club out there for all of you, and hopefully some of these will pique your interests. It’s never too late to join a club, and if you can’t find a club you like, you can always fill out the ASB form to try and start your own (visit the ASB room for the forms)!